Finca Alas de Dios is a nonprofit school that is serving some of the most impoverished children in Central America. The property has a 100-acre coffee farm located outside of Jinotega, Nicaragua. This wet milled and strictly high grown 100% Arabica coffee is meticulously handpicked during the harvest season insuring a superior coffee. By carefully selecting only the ripe beans, the coffee grown on this farm insures a fully developed and clean cup, with a robust sweetness and smooth finish. Mountain Man Micro Farms will soon be sourcing this coffee directly to be sold throughout Colorado. I have partnered up with the nonprofit and we have big plans to build an aquaponic system to help feed the 70+ children that attend the school on a daily basis. Many of these children rely on the school for the majority of their nourishment. Learn more about the school at Finca Alas de Dios @